The Regulation respecting the recognition of films as Québec films made by Order in Council 2518-83 dated 6 December 1983 and amended by the Regulation made by Order in Council 1920-88 dated 21 December 1988 continues to apply to films:
(1) for which the main filming or recording work began prior to 19 December 1990;
(2) for which the main filming and recording work began after 18 December 1990, which were completed prior to 1 January 1992 and for which production funds were raised from individuals not later than 28 February 1991;
(3) acquired after 31 December 1989 under a written agreement concluded by an individual prior to 19 December 1989 or acquired after 31 December 1989 under a final prospectus, a preliminary prospectus, a registration statement or an offering momerandum filed with the Commission des valeurs mobilières du Québec prior to 19 December 1989. The funds raised for the production of the film must not exceed the amounts provided for in that respect when the written agreement was concluded or when the prospectus or offering memorandum was filed with the Commission. (O.C. 881-92, s. 9)